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Temporal Cloud Pricing

Temporal Cloud is a consumption-based service. You pay only for what you need, when you need it. Our pricing reflects your use of actions, storage, and support. It is flexible, transparent, and predictable, so you know your costs and never pay for unused capacity.

This page introduces the elements of Temporal Cloud pricing for actions, storage, and services/support. It gives you the information you need to estimate costs for your implementation. For more accurate estimates, reach out to our team.

Action pricing

What is an Action?

Actions serve as the primary unit of consumption-based pricing for Temporal Cloud. Temporal Actions are the building blocks for Workflow Executions. When you execute a Temporal Workflow, its Actions create the ongoing state and progress of your Temporal Application.

Actions are collected and billed monthly for each Namespace. The base rate is $25 per one million Actions per month (across all Namespaces). You are billed for a prorated portion of the Actions you use. If you use fewer than one million Actions per month, your bill for Actions will be less than $25 for that month.

Actions$25 per one million (prorated)

Temporal also offers a credit system. Credits provide an additional discount schedule for billable Actions and storage. Credits do not expire.

The credits applied to a Temporal Cloud Account include volume-based discounts for each Namespace. Pricing may not be uniform per Namespace. For example, under one credit commitment, a Namespace may use up to 300 million Actions priced at $23.25 per million Actions. Another Namespace with over 300 million Actions benefits from a reduced rate of $18.80 per million Actions for any Actions beyond the 300 million mark.

The following table outlines the tiers for the credits system.

Actions per month (millions)Cost per 1M (USD)Cost bandActions per second
0 to 299$23.25$0 - $7,500~115
300 to 1,499$18.80$5,640 - $28,200~570
1,500 to 7,499$14.10$21,150 - $105,750~2,860
7,500 to 29,999$10.50$78,750 - $315,000~11,400
30,000 to 149,999$7.90$237,000 - $1,185,000~57,000
> 150,000$5.90$885,000 ->

The following operations result in Actions:


  • Workflow started. Occurs via client start, client Signal-With-Start, Continue-As-New, or Child Workflow start. If a Workflow start fails, an Action is not recorded.
  • Workflow reset. Occurs when a Workflow is reset. (Actions that occur before a Reset are counted even if they are no longer visible in Event History.)
  • Timer started. Includes implicit Timers that are started by a Temporal SDK when timeouts are set, such as AwaitWithTimeout in Go or condition in TypeScript.
  • Search Attribute upsert requested. Occurs after a Workflow starts and invokes UpsertSearchAttributes.
  • Signal sent. Includes sending a Signal from a client or from within a Workflow to another Workflow.
  • Query received. Queries aren't recorded in Event History. An operation such as viewing the call stack in the Temporal Cloud UI results in a Query.
  • Side Effect recorded. For a mutable Side Effect, an Action occurs only when the value changes. (Be aware that some SDKs don't support Side Effects.)
  • NEW: Workflow Update. [Workflow Updates] is a primitive that combines a Signal and Query together for a single Action.

Child Workflows

  • Child Workflows spawned. The parent Workflow spawning a Child Workflow results in one Action.
  • Child Workflows executed. Execution of the Child Workflow results in one Action.


  • Activity started or retried. Occurs each time an Activity is started or retried.
  • Local Activity started. All Local Activities associated with one Workflow Task count as a single Action. That's because Temporal Cloud counts all RecordMarkers from each Workflow Task as one action, and not N actions. Please note:
    • Each additional Workflow Task heartbeat after counts as an additional Action.
    • Local Activities retried following a Workflow Task heartbeat count as one Action (capped at 100 Actions).
  • Activity Heartbeat recorded. A Heartbeat call from Activity code counts as an Action only if it reaches the Temporal Server. Temporal SDKs throttle Activity Heartbeats. The default throttle is 80% of the Heartbeat Timeout. Heartbeats don't apply to Local Activities.


Schedules allows you to "schedule" a Workflow to start at a particular time. Each execution of a Schedule will accrue three actions:

  • Schedule Start. This accounts for two actions.
  • Workflow started. This is a single action to start the target workflow.


Workflow History Export enables you to export closed Workflow Histories to a cloud storage sink of your choice.

  • Workflow exported. Each Workflow exported accrues a single action.

Reach out to our team to get more information or to help size your number of Actions.

Storage pricing

What are the Temporal Cloud storage prices?

A particular Workflow's execution might exist for a few seconds, a day, month, or even forever. Temporal collects the Workflow Execution's Event History during this time and dispatches work when necessary. Under this context, a Workflow Execution has only two states, open (active) or closed.

Storage costs are measured in gigabyte-hours (GBh) and include charges for active Workflows, active storage, and the long-term, "retained" storage of Event Histories of closed Workflows. These are measured per Namespace.

Active storage measures the amount of storage used by active Workflows.

When the execution of a Workflow ends, Temporal Cloud stores Event History for a defined Retention Period, for historical use. This is retained storage. Typical uses include compliance, debugging, workload refresh, and business analytics. Both kinds of storage have fixed costs.

StorageCost per GBh (USD)

If you purchase Temporal Cloud credits (as outlined earlier), active storage costs are tiered and measured in gigabyte-hours.

Active Storage (Per GB Hour Per Namespace)Cost (USD)
Up to 7,000$0.039
Over 7,000 up to 30,000$0.031
Over 30,000 up to 90,000$0.023
Over 90,000 up to 400,000$0.018
Over 400,000 up to 1,500,000$0.013
Over 1,500,000$0.010

Multi-region Namespace pricing

For workloads with stringent high-availability requirements, Temporal Cloud provides multi-region Namespaces (MRNs), which add a failover capability. Each multi-region Namespace automatically replicates Workflow Execution data and metadata to a standby region. This keeps the standby region in sync, allowing for a near seamless failovers should regional outages occur. 

Multi-region Namespace costs align with the volume of your workloads. After activation, the new MRN begins replicating data to the standby region. Due to this replication, MRNs double your current action and storage costs. To estimate costs for this deployment model, apply a 2x multiplier to your existing Actions and storage Namespace costs.

When upgrading an existing Namespace, some points to consider:

  • Temporal won't charge for historical Actions completed prior to upgrading to a multi-region Namespace. Only ongoing (in-flight) and new Workflow Executions incur the "2x" charge, as these are actively replicated.
  • Temporal charges for all Actions of existing (ongoing) and new Workflows from the point of adding a new region and provisioning multi-region Namespace service onward.
  • Temporal charges for replicated storage of retained (historical), running (ongoing), and new Workflow Executions from the point of adding a new region and starting MRN service.

Multi-region Namespace invoice charges will include:

  • An Actions row, showing the Action count from the active region.
  • A Replicated Actions row, showing the Action count from the standby region.

The invoice follows a similar structure for Replicated Storage. It breaks out storage and replicated storage into their own line items.

Action counts for mid-month adoption
  • If your multi-region Namespace adoption began mid-month, expect to see more Actions than Replicated Actions and more Storage than Replicated Storage on your invoice.

SSO and SAML pricing

We offer single sign-on (SSO) integration using SAML at a monthly fixed fee based on the number of users registered in Temporal Cloud:

UsersCost per month
0 to 25$200
26 to 50$300

Services and Support

What kind of services and support do I get with Temporal Cloud?

Each Temporal Cloud account receives access to expert services and support. The Temporal Success team brings a deep knowledge of how Temporal works and how you can optimize your deployment. Our team is made up of engineers who bring deep knowledge of Temporal, and help contribute to its development.

The Success team provides troubleshooting and issue resolution as well as service work-streams like as design reviews, setting up observability, and worker tuning. The team can help investigate your Workflows to optimize their environments and so you might reduce costs associated with Actions and storage. They ensure your instance is performance-tuned and they help with other ongoing maintenance, like upgrades of the Temporal software and maintenance of the platform.

Services and support costs are outlined in the table below. A more complete description of each level can be found on our Services and Support outline.

Pricing (per month)Greater of $200 or 10% of monthly usageGreater of $2,000 or 10% of monthly usage

Pricing Estimates

Temporal Cloud uses a consumption-based pricing model based primarily on Actions and storage. Each workload is different. You can estimate the cost of a specific Workflow by running it at a low volume. Use the resulting storage and compute measurements to project your production scale cost.

The examples below provide general estimates based on workload size. You can also use our calculator on the pricing page to build your estimate. Our team is always happy to [help you estimate costs] ( for your specific workloads and requirements.

Workload sizeCost (monthly)CharacteristicsActionsTypical use cases
Small< $25.00Modest / transient throughput< 1M / month 
(< 0.38 actions per second)
General automation
Human dependent processes 
Data pipelines
Nightly batch processes
Medium< $1KSteady or burst throughput< 40M / month 
(< 15 actions per second)
Transaction & order systems
Infrastructure automation
Payment Processing
Batch processes
Large< $10KSustained throughput or multiple use cases< 400M / month 
(< 150 actions per second)
Data processing / sync
Retail order system
KYC & fraud detection
Web Scale$20K+"Web scale" and / or numerous use cases1B+ / month 
(400+ actions per second)
Social media application
SaaS application service

Pricing FAQ

What's the minimum cost to run Temporal Cloud?

The Temporal Cloud service is consumption based. You pay only for what you need with no minimum. Basic support has a minimum monthly fee of $200 per month.

How do I pay for Temporal Cloud?

Temporal sends a monthly bill based on your consumption. You can pay with a credit card, ACH, wire transfer, or Temporal Credits.

Can I purchase Temporal Cloud through my Amazon, Azure, or Google Cloud Platform marketplace?

You can purchase Temporal Cloud credits in the AWS Marketplace. To learn more about our private AWS Marketplace offer, contact our team at